Thursday, March 6, 2008
Diabetes and alcohol!!!
Below is a short list of guidelines for diabetics when it comes to drinking alcohol:
*Before considering drinking any alcoholic beverage, it is imperative that you consult with your diabetes health care specialist.
*It is recommended that you limit your consumption of alcohol to two drinks each day if you're male. If you're a woman, than the recommended amount is one drink each day.
*Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. In fact, it is best to combine your drink with a carbohydrate snack.
*It is best to stay clear from alcoholic drinks that are high in sugar content like hard liquor mixed with high fructose mixes, sweet wines,etc.
*If you are experiencing other medical problems as a result of your diabetes then it is best to skip alcohol altogether.
The Role of Diet in High Blood Pressure
What we eat plays a large role in preventing and treating high blood pressure.
Maintain a healthy weight:People who are overweight are two to six times more likely to develop high blood pressure than people who are not.
Reduce your salt intake:Even a modest reduction in salt consumption may prove beneficial in lowering your blood pressure.
Limit alcohol consumption:Having three drinks a day is linked to an increase in blood pressure.
Increase potassium intake:Most fruits and vegetables are high in potassium. A few studies have shown that people with a low potassium intake have a higher risk of high blood pressure.
Drink more milk:It appears that increasing calcium intake may help lower blood pressure, especially for people who rarely consume milk.
Eat plenty of sea food: The omega-three fatty acids found in saltwater fish appear to have a role in lowering blood pressure.
Stick to a DASH diet plan:The DASH plan encourages consumption of more fruits and vegetables than normally recommended; at least eight servings a day are needed for results.