Thursday, January 24, 2008
Detoxify your Liver
Below mentioned are Tips for keeping your Liver Healthy:
*Avoid excess consumption of alcohol,Fats,caffeine,excessive spices,preserved,packaged food,excessive salted food.
*Follow this simple detox program atleast once a week:consume only apple juice and lemon juice mixed with olive oil.
*Kitchen Herbs useful for Liver are Curry Leaves,Ginger,Coriander,Garlic,Turmeric,Fennel seeds.
*Other useful herbs are Manjista,Bringaraja,Katuki,Milk thistle,Aloe vera,Bhumiamla,Guduchi.
*Regular intake of Herbal Diuretics like punarnava,Gokshura are very good for cleansing toxins in liver.
*Arogyavardini is an Ayurvedic Preparation that is very Beneficial to Liver.There are also other Licensed Herbal Medicines which serve as a good liver Tonic.
*Metadoxine is useful for those suffering from Fatty Liver,Alcoholic Liver Disease,etc.
*Hepatobiliary medicines containing L-Ornithine aspartate,silymarin,lecithin,Tricholine citrate,etc are very useful for liver.
*Drinking lot of water is beneficial as also Buttermilk seasoned with curry leaves,dry ginger,coriander.
health benefits of wheatgrass
It consists of many beneficial nutrients some of which are
*Protiens and Amino acids including 9 Essential Amino acids
*Minerals like Calcium,Iron,Sodium,Potassium,magnesium,zinc,selenium,etc
*Chlorophyll and Dietary Fiber.
Some of its benefits are
*Helps overcome Nutritional defeciency.
*Natural Antioxidant.
*Helps in blood purification and to balance Haemoglobin production.
*helps resolve constipation,acidity.
*Useful in Diabetes,High Blood Pressure and kidney Malfunction,Arthritis,Insomnia, Menstrual problems,Paralysis, Asthma, Etc.
*helps improve immunity.
*Benefits the body cells,glands and important organs like Liver,Lungs,Spleen,etc.
*very effective for weight loss.
*And the list goes on...................
For more information on wheatgrass therapy, along with disorders specific naturopathy diet, contact me on 9823579102(after 7 pm on all week days, and any time on sundays), or on my email i.e.
Medicinal use of Nux Vomica - a Homeopathic remedy
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that 'like cures like', in a tiny dilution, if any of Homeopathic drug causes symptoms in a healthy person, similar to those caused by any disease in a sick person, than that particular drug is used to treat that disease.
Nux Vomica is the major digestive remedy used by homoeopaths. Nux Vomica contains the alkaloids, Strychnine and Brucine, and a glucoside Loganin, caffeotannic acid and a trace of copper. The pulp of the fruit contains about 5 per cent of loganin together with the alkaloid strychnicine. The properties of Nux Vomica are substantially those of the alkaloid Strychnine.
Nux vomica is often given for extreme over-sensitivity, anger and irritability, Itching in ear through Eustachian tube. It is a Homeopathic remedy for digestive complaints like indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and constipation. It can also be used for colds and headaches,Vertigo, with momentary loss of consciousness, Irritable bladder, Renal colic extending to genitals, Dysmenorrhœa, Irregular Menses, etc.
Nux vomica should not be used by pregnant women, and is also not recommended for children in higher doses, due to its toxicity. In higher doses, nux vomica has predominantly neurological effects, and may cause painful seizures, spasms, difficulty breathing, dizziness and confusion; hence it should only be administered under the guidance of a qualified Homeopath.
Introduction to Ayurveda
Ayurveda has Holistic approach to Disease which occurs when the original form encounters change at psychological or physiological level. To regulate health in the living body,Ayurveda concised the panchabhootas-the five basic elements of nature,into tridoshas,namely vata,pitta and kapha.In diseased condition,the doshas manifest their particular symptoms denoting loss of natural rhythm or malfunction.The purpose of treatment of the disease is to bring the tridoshas in equilibrium ie back to their natural rhythm.This is acheived through Ayurvedic medicines which are made from wide range of various plant parts that are available in nature around us.These medicines are manufactured by extensive processes as prescribed by the ancient texts.Various clinical studies have now confirmed the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine and hence Ayurveda can no longer be called as pseudo-science.
Medicinal use of clove
MEDICINAL USES:Clove is used in treatment of Nausea,Headache,Earache,Diarrhea,Toothache,Digestive disorders,Cholera,Cough,Bronchitis,Asthma,Muscular Cramps,Stye,Scabies,malaria,improving Blood circulation,blood purification,insect bites and stings,skin diseases like athlete’s foot, fungal infections,prickly heat,wound, cuts,bruises,boosting Immune System,etc.