Sunday, June 15, 2008

Here is a very informative blog on Heart and Heart diseases!!!!

If you are suffering from heart diseases or at risk from one,then this blog provides valuable information on heart related matter.Its a relatively new blog,but is concise,informative and well written.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Healing by Naturopathy!!!

Naturopathy is a science which promotes the art of curing and preventing diseases by bringing about suitable changes in food and lifestyle.The five basic natural elements consisting of soil,water,air,fire and sunlight are used in different forms.The use of any chemical or formulated drugs is not practiced,hence naturopathy is referred as ‘drugless therapy’. Naturopathy is a popular alternative therapy,which upholds the basic principle that our body has the inbuilt ability to heal itself when provided with proper nutrition,exercise and environment.We are born with strong inbuilt resistance power,which if preserved carefully will not let the disease attack us. If we observe the way wild animals live,we realize they do not have any doctors to attend to them.They adhere to natural way of treatment when they are ill.The accumulation of harmful substances in our body is the major causeof illness.Wrong living and eating habits,irregular and sedentary lifestyle,addictions,pollution,stress, and use of harmful drugs are the major factors that adversely affect our immunity. Simple tips promoted in Naturopathy for good health:*Follow a healty diet routine.Include lot of raw vegetables,fruits and salads in your daily diet.*Drink lot of clean water.Adults should drink 8-12 glasses every day.Also drinking water while having food should be avoided.*Increase intake of fresh and pollution free air.Brisk walking for about half an hour in the early morning helps store extra oxygen needed to remain fresh for full day.*Practice Yoga,meditation and pranayam daily for atleast 10-15 minutes.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Treating Gout by Ayurveda!!!!

GOUT is a condition wherein there is deposition of uric acid, leading to severe inflammatory state.In this condition, monosodium urate or uric acid crystals are deposited on the articular cartilage of joints, tendons and surrounding tissues due to elevated concentrations of uric acid in the blood stream. As a result inflammation of the effected tissues takes place which leads to pain, swelling and immobiity in the joints.To present a classic picture, one complains of sudden excruciating, burning pain, warmth, redness, swelling and stiffness in the effected joints. low grade fever may also be present.The pain is so severe, that a slight touch can provoke the severity, making the person to cry in agony.Usually, big toe is mostly effected, but in some, knee, ankle, heel, wrist, elbow, fingers and spine may also be involved.A clear cut diagonosis can be made on the signs and symptoms, but to be perfect, blood tests for uric acid has to be adviced.
According to Ayurveda, it is known as "Vata Rakta" and is caused due to imbalance in both Vata dosh and Rakta.Several causes are listed in Ayurveda which causes this particular diseases, one of which is to tarvel long distances standing, and especifically suspending the legs in the air, which is opposite to the gravitational force. this causes the imbalance in the normal flow of the blood leading to gout.
* The first line of treatment includes, avoiding the causes, or restricting oneself from indulging in such things.
* Certain Procedures play a very important role in the treatment part of gout. Such procedures include Virechan(purgation), Basti(enema), and Rakta Mokshan(blood letting).
* To start with the procedures , one should undergo proper Snehan and Swedan, so as to allow the proper treatment.
* In severe pain, application of Leech(in the form of Rakta Mokshan) is done, and it is found to be very effective in allevating the pain.
* For local application, paste of certain herbs as single or in combination are used. For example: paste of Erand Beej and milk, Shatavari mula paste, Vacha-Koshtha-Daruharidra paste, Dashang lepa etc.
* As internal medication, Guduchi Churna, Guduchi Satva, Guduchi Kwath, Samshamani Vati, Amrutadi Ghrut, Amruta Guggul, Kaishore Guggul, Amrutarista are used as single or in combination, depending upon the severity of the condition.
* For burning sensation, Chandanasava, Sarivadyasava, Manjistadi Kada, Mouktik, Kamdhudha can be used to reduce the same.
* After the proper treatment of the diseases, one should continue taking Samshamani Vati, Guduchi Siddh Ghrut, to prevent the recurrence.
Note: The above mentioned treatment should be taken under proper medical guidance.