Friday, July 25, 2008
Some herbs and minerals for improving your sexual health!!!!
Shilajeet:It increases the core energy responsible for sexual and spiritual power. The use of Shilajeet for renewing vitality.
Garlic:It is one of the most remarkable home remedies in the treatment of sexual disorder. It is a natural and harmless aphrodisiac.
Drumstick:It is very useful as a sexual tonic in the treatment of sexual disorder.
Ginger:The juice extracted from ginger is a valuable aphrodisiac and beneficial in the treatment of sexual weakness.
Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera): It is used as a tonic, aphrodisiac, rejuvenator, sedative and nervine tonic.
Kapikachu(Mucuna Prureins):It has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to treat male infertility,loss of libido and to improve sexual performance.
Salab Mishri(orchis Mascula):It has been traditionally used to treat sexual dysfunctions encountered in both men and women such as loss of libido or lack of interest in sex and infertility, premature ejaculation, low sperm counts and erectile dysfunction.
Gokhshura(Tribulis Terrestris):Gokhshura has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to treat impotence, Venereal diseases and Sexual debility.
Safed Musli/Shweta musli(Asparagus Adscendens): It has been traditionally used in Ayurveda as an aphrodisiac as well as to increase sperm count.
Masha(Black gram):Masha has been traditionally used in Ayurveda to treat sexual debility ,loss of libido and improve sexual performance.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Here is a very informative blog on Heart and Heart diseases!!!!
If you are suffering from heart diseases or at risk from one,then this blog provides valuable information on heart related matter.Its a relatively new blog,but is concise,informative and well written.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Healing by Naturopathy!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Treating Gout by Ayurveda!!!!
According to Ayurveda, it is known as "Vata Rakta" and is caused due to imbalance in both Vata dosh and Rakta.Several causes are listed in Ayurveda which causes this particular diseases, one of which is to tarvel long distances standing, and especifically suspending the legs in the air, which is opposite to the gravitational force. this causes the imbalance in the normal flow of the blood leading to gout.
* The first line of treatment includes, avoiding the causes, or restricting oneself from indulging in such things.
* Certain Procedures play a very important role in the treatment part of gout. Such procedures include Virechan(purgation), Basti(enema), and Rakta Mokshan(blood letting).
* To start with the procedures , one should undergo proper Snehan and Swedan, so as to allow the proper treatment.
* In severe pain, application of Leech(in the form of Rakta Mokshan) is done, and it is found to be very effective in allevating the pain.
* For local application, paste of certain herbs as single or in combination are used. For example: paste of Erand Beej and milk, Shatavari mula paste, Vacha-Koshtha-Daruharidra paste, Dashang lepa etc.
* As internal medication, Guduchi Churna, Guduchi Satva, Guduchi Kwath, Samshamani Vati, Amrutadi Ghrut, Amruta Guggul, Kaishore Guggul, Amrutarista are used as single or in combination, depending upon the severity of the condition.
* For burning sensation, Chandanasava, Sarivadyasava, Manjistadi Kada, Mouktik, Kamdhudha can be used to reduce the same.
* After the proper treatment of the diseases, one should continue taking Samshamani Vati, Guduchi Siddh Ghrut, to prevent the recurrence.
Note: The above mentioned treatment should be taken under proper medical guidance.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Some herbs for blood purification!!!!
Here are some of excellent herbs for blood purification and general body detoxification.
*Guduchi is a considered a bitter tonic. It is regarded as a blood purifier and stimulant.
*Manjistha is considered one of the best blood purifying herbs in Ayurveda. It is said to cool and detoxify the blood, dissolve obstructions in blood flow, and clear stagnant blood from the system.
*Neem and Tulsi are also known for their blood purifying properties.
*Dandelion Root is an excellent blood purifier that neutralizes acids and has a strong alkalinizing effect on the body.
*Echinacea is recognized as one of the most powerful blood and lymphatic cleansers in the botanical kingdom.
*Chlorophyll ,found abundantly in wheatgrass,neutralizes acids and toxins in the blood and helps eliminate them from the body.
*Garlic is an excellent blood cleanser, lowers blood fats and is a natural antibiotic.
*Red Clover is also a potent blood cleanser,especially useful during convalescence and healing.
*Burdock Root,besides being a good skin and blood cleanser also posseses diuretic and diaphoretic, hepato-protective, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
*Goldenseal is also an excellent blood, liver, kidney, and skin purifier.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Another vital constituent to combat Diabetes
Friday, May 23, 2008
All you wanted to know about Vitamins!!!
Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body's fatty tissue.
Water-soluble vitamins must be used by the body right away. Any left over water-soluble vitamins leave the body through the urine. Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the liver for many years.
There are 13 essential vitamins. That means they are needed for the body to function. They are:
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Folate (folic acid)
Each vitamin has specific functions. You can develop health problems (deficiency disease) if you do not get enough of a particular vitamin.
VitaminA helps in the formation and maintenance of healthy teeth, bones, soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin.
Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine. The more protein a person eats, the more vitamin B6 is needed to help the body use the protein. Vitamin B6 helps form red blood cells and maintain brain function, among other things.
Vitamin B12 like the other B vitamins, is important for metabolism. It also helps form red blood cells and maintain the central nervous system.
Vitamin C also called ascorbic acid, is an antioxidant that promotes healthy teeth and gums. It helps the body absorb iron and maintain healthy tissue. It also promotes wound healing.
Vitamin D is also known as the "sunshine vitamin," since it is made by the body after being in the sun. Ten to 15 minutes of sunshine three times per week is enough to produce the body's requirement of vitamin D. This vitamin promotes the body's absorption of calcium, which is essential for the normal development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones. It also helps maintain proper blood levels of calcium and is phosphorus.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant also known as tocopherol. It plays a role in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body use vitamin K.
Vitamin K is not listed among the essential vitamins, but without it blood would not stick together (coagulate). Some studies suggest that it helps promote strong bones in the elderly.
Biotin is essential for the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, and in the production of hormones and cholesterol.
Niacin a B vitamin that helps maintain healthy skin and nerves. It is also has cholesterol-lowering effects.
Folate works with vitamin B12 to help form red blood cells. It is necessary for the production of DNA, which controls tissue growth and cell function. Any woman who is pregnant should be sure to get enough folate. Low levels of folate are linked to birth defects. Many foods are now fortified with folic acid.
Pantothenic acid is essential for the metabolism of food. It is also plays a role in the production of hormones and cholesterol.
Riboflavin (B2) works with the other B vitamins. It is important for body growth and the production of red blood cells.
Thiamine (B1) helps the body cells change carbohydrates into energy. It is also essential for heart function and healthy nerve cells.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Something a Diabetic should know about-Dawn Phenomenon!!
Here are a few tips you can try:
1. If you are currently taking any anti-diabetic pills, you can try taking one more tablet before you go to bed.
2.Start checking you blood sugar levels earlier in the morning,at around 6:30-7:003.Try eating a little less food in the evening or maybe even try a little exercise before you go to bed.
3.If you are currently taking insulin you may need an early morning dose with food to keep your rising blood sugar levels under control.Remember if you are currently taking insulin, you need to make sure that you or your doctor monitors your changes - at least until you have your eating, exercise and stress management on the right path.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Diabetes and Heart!!!
So what has diabetes got to do with the cardiovascular system? Since blood is part of the cardiovascular system, and diabetes is a condition in which the level of glucose in the blood is higher than normal, hence Diabetes and cardiovascular system diseases are closely related to each other.Some examples of the commonly diagnosed cardiovascular disease are coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and other heart conditions.
Risk Factors
Diabetes is now considered as a major risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. Other factors that contribute to the possibility of acquiring cardiovascular diseases in diabetic patients include hypertension, smoking and hyperlipidemia.
- Hypertension. Hypertension in diabetes is considered a major contributor to the increase in mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Diabetic patients, especially those with Type 2, need to always have their blood pressure checked every visit to the doctor. Self-monitoring at home is also a must to maintain and control the rise of blood pressure. The American Diabetes Association recommends a target blood pressure of not more than 130/85 mm Hg to maintain a good level of blood pressure.
- Hyperglycemia. Intensive glycemic control may prove to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, although not directly. This can be more beneficial in controlling micro vascular complications, but still, assessing all risk factors and properly managing them is a big step in preventing occurrence of any cardiovascular diseases.
- Smoking. Smoking has been determined dangerous to our health. Studies show that smoking indeed increase risk of premature death and cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients.
As the old saying goes, “prevention is better than cure.” There are many ways on how to prevent the increased possibility of cardiovascular events in diabetic patients. Several alterations or modifications to the risk factors can be done to still maintain healthy despite of diabetes.
The simplest step one can start with is to stop smoking. Diabetic or not, cessation of smoking will really prove beneficial to one’s overall health condition. Maintaining blood pressure to less than 130/85 or 130/80 mm Hg helps control the occurrence of hypertension. Having a body mass index (BMI) of less than 27 is also a must for diabetic patients to control their overall condition.
Some tests are also recommended to monitor and keep maintain key factors at a healthy level. These tests include annual urine test, retinal dilation examination, dental examinations, and biannual foot examination for sensation testing and measurement of pulses. Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases need proper attention and care. Regular visits to your health practitioner are recommended as they are the right people who know all about your condition. They keep all the records of their patients’ health history and can track improvements or otherwise. Proper medications and advice are also given by these professionals.
Diabetes is indeed a life-long condition that demands a lot of attention. There may be no hard and real cure for this disease, but it sure can be maintained and controlled by proper care and having thorough knowledge and understanding about the condition.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Can Cataract be prevented???
A cataract is the name used when the lens inside your eyeball becomes clouded and yellowed, which reduces vision and requires surgical correction. It has been long believed that cataracts were unavoidable.
The researchers found that high intake of the two carotenoids Lutein & Zeaxanthin reduced the risk of cataracts by 18 percent, while vitamin E was associated with a 14 percent reduction!
The study adds to growing results supporting the role of lutein and zeaxanthin for eye health, with the majority supporting their role against age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness for people over the age of 55.
Dietary sources of Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Lutein and zeaxanthin is abundant in a number of yellow/orange fruits and vegetables such as mango, papaya, peaches, prunes, acorn squash, winter squash, and oranges. Egg yolks are the richest source and also contain a large amount of zeaxanthin.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Home remedies for dark under eye circles
* Eight hours of sleep is a must for all of us, especially for people having dark circles under their eyes.
* Close your eyes and cover your eyelids with slices of raw potato or cucumber for 15-20 minutes.
*Grate a cucumber, squeeze to take out its juice and refrigerate. Make a mixture of lemon juice and cucumber juice and apply around the eye for 10-15 minutes.
*Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for dark circles under the eyes.
*Apply crushed mint around the eye
*Apply almond oil under eyes.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tips for looking beautiful!!!!!
For maintaining that perfect figure:
-Exercise daily for atleast 20-30 minutes.Also practice Yoga and Pranayama daily.
-Cut down on junk calories that you consume daily.Choose diet, rich in fiber, low in fat and refined carbohydrates,avoid fried foods and sweets,Consume plenty of fresh green vegetables, fruits & sprouts.Avoid aerated drinks & alcohol,instead drink limewater, vegetable juice, clear soups, and buttermilk.Instead of having three big meals throughout the day, have five smaller meals throughout the course of the day,with the breakfast being the heaviest.
For flawless,glowing skin:
-Drink 7-8 glasses of water a day to help flush through any toxins in the body and hydrate the skin.
-Once in a while indulge in a nice relaxing aroma massage or facial.Cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin twice a day and avoid using soaps, which are too harsh for the skin and can be very drying.Apply facemask once a week depending on your skin type. You should also exfoliate once- twice a week to remove dead skin cells.
-Wash your hair regularly with a shampoo that suits the hair type to keep it clean and bouncy.
-schedule in a weekly manicure and pedicure
-Increase intake of oily fish, nuts & seeds ,which are rich sources of Omega fatty acids,to provide you with a glowing skin.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Tips for healthy eyesight!!!!
One should always include these things to enhance the eyesight.
*LIGHTING: The light source and the amount of light needed and provided by the light source should be taken care of since it can have direct effect on the eyes.
Light source should be positioned behind the objects posture of reading. for ex. if one is reading a book then the light should be focused behind him. direct glare should be always avoided.
Reading material should be placed 12-14 inches away from the object.
*VISUAL DISPLAY UNITS: these include TVs and computers. these are know as the main hazards nowadays which cause many eye related problems even leading to partial or complete loss of vision. prolong exposure to these units can cause headaches, burning and watering of eyes, blurring of vision, double vision etc.
People working for hours together on computers should take extra care as to protect their eyes. use of anti-glare glasses with UV protection should be used. one should take 5 mins break after every half an hour work, this reduces the strains on the eyes.
Watching TV in a dark room should be avoided. a well-lit room with a tubelight is the ideal place for watching TV.
Distance of viewing is also important and it should be maintained as 4 metres or more from the television set.
Placement of the computer screen should also be monitored. it should be either at the eye level or slightly lower. this will reduce the direct reflection of the screen.
The recommended distance between the monitor and the eye should be around 18-28 inches. this shouldbe always maintained for both young and old.
*ALLERGIES: eyes are the common site for most of the allergies due to presence of the open galnds which become passage for the bacteria to spread. therefore it is very important to maintain the hygiene of the eye by washing the frequently with plain cold water.
As soon as mild signs of allergy is seen it should be treated immediately to prevent the further spread.
No eye drops should be put in the eyes without proper consultation from an opthalmologists.
*UV LIGHT: overexposure to sunlight is harmful and can cause damage to the eyes. while out in the sun one should always wear sun glasses with UV reflection. this will protect the eyes from harmful UV rays.
Cool packs or cucumber slices should be placed over the eyes to reduce the starin caused by sunlight. these provide cooling effects.
*SLEEP: adequate and sound sleep is very much important for healthy eyes. disturbed sleep can cause dark circles around the eyes. also improper sleep can cause swelling of the undereyes giving them a puffy look.
A sleep of atleast 8 hours is required to maintain a healthy eyesight.
*RELAXATION PROCESS: meditation or relaxation of the whole body also has a very good impact on ones eyesight. just closing your eyes for few minutes and focussing at a particular object (ex.inbetween the eyebrows) can relax both the body and the mind, and once these are relaxed it directly shows good results in the other sense organs including the eyes.
Incase of any complaints related to eyes occur it should be immediately reported to the doctor so that early medication is done and loss of vision is prevented.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Two vital nutrients for Diabetics!!!!!
The first ingredient is Zinc which, when included as a part of your daily diet can boost your immunity, warding of an array of diseases and physical symptoms.Helping you deal with the likes ofhemorrhoids, ulcers, digestion problems while also improving the insulin levels your body produces, making diabetes control and management a lot easier than otherwise.
The second ingredient is Chromium. Chromium is yet another wonder-aid with its energy-increasing and weight-loss influencing capabilities, which not only decrease your overall lipid levels,but is also invaluable in improving your bodies composition!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Magnet-Therapy for you!!!
Every cell of our body is an electrical unit,therefore it possesses a magnetic field.Every organ has a specific magnetic field,different from others.
Properties of Poles:
SOUTH POLE:It is useful in infectious and inflammatory conditions.It is commonly used in skin diseases,Arthritis,Infectious Diseases,Anxiety,Convulsions,Eye ailments,Pain,Neuralgia,Insomnia,Etc.
NORTH POLE:It is useful in treating Paralysis,Hernia,Leucoderma,Baldness,muscle weakness,general weakness,etc.
*Decrease in level of Bad Cholestrol.
*Stimulation of Pancreas by North pole leading to increased production of Insulin,thus helping control of Blood Sugar in Diabetes.
*Improvement in patients with Infectious disease indicated by decrease in WBC count and drop in ESR.
*Decrease in Blood Pressure.
*Hastening of Wound Healing.
*Hastening of healing of Fractured bones.
*Increased hopes for survival of Cancer patients since Cancer Cells Cannot survive in strong magnetic field.
*Increased hopes for patients suffering from Paralysis of lower limbs due to injury of Spinal cord,due to ability of Magnets to stimulate the production and development of new cells.
*Good amount of relief of pain due to Osteoarthritis,Rheumatoid arthritis,Cervical Spondylosis.,Frozen shoulder,Fibrositis,Muscle strain and sprain.
*It has also proved useful in preventing Osteoporosis.
*Very beneficial in reducing pain due to Tooth ache.South pole is also useful in stopping loss of blood through wounds.
*It can arrest progression of Eye disease like Cataract and Glaucoma.
*It has also proved beneficial in Disorders of Kidney and Urinary Bladder.Magnetised water has power to dissolve stones in Kidney and Urinary bladder.magnetised water also helps patients suffering from Anuria,Indigestion,Acidity and Flatulence.
Usually water magnetized by both the poles should be consumed.For this two magnets should be kept on either side of bottle such that North pole of one magnet faces South pole of other.For Hyperacidity,Gastric ulcer,water magnetized only by South pole should be used.For sluggish digestion,water magnetized by North pole can be used.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Are you suffering from Diabetes???
Sugar in the bloodstream can become attached to the hemoglobin (the part of the cell that carries oxygen) in red blood cells. This process is called glycosylation.Once the sugar is attached, it stays there for the life of the red blood cell, which is about 120 days. The higher the level of blood sugar, the more sugar attaches to red blood cells. The hemoglobin A1c test measures the amount of sugar sticking to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Results are given in percentages.
Lowering the hemoglobin A1c number can delay or prevent the development of serious eye, kidney, and nerve disease in people with diabetes.A study also showed that lowering hemoglobin A1c levels by any amount improves a person's chances of staying healthy.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
What is Insulin Resistance????
Insulin resistance is developed when the body becomes resistant to insulin and so higher and higher levels of insulin need to be produced to have any effect. So what causes this insulin resistance to happen? A diet high in refined carbohydrates such as white rice,white flour, white bread, sugar, cakes and biscuits in conjunction with large amounts of trans fatty acids which are used to bulk up processed foods is one of the major causes of Insulin resistance. Other causes are excess weight, hormonal imbalance, some genetic factors, lack of exercise and some medications.
When insulin resistance has developed, the ingestion of more refined carbohydrates causes the release of higher and higher levels of insulin. The insulin does not work as effectively as it used to; it is still capable of depositing the glucose as fat, but not so capable of putting glucose into the muscles and liver cells to be used as energy. So more glucose becomes fat and less is used up as energy.
Symptoms of Insulin resistance
-do you find it impossible to lose weight?
-do you find low-fat low-calorie diets don’t work?
-are you hungry all the time, even shortly after eating?
-do you crave carbohydrates and sugary foods?
-do you tend to put on weight around your abdomen?
-do you have problems with blood sugar levels?
-do you have a family history of diabetes?
Following things should strictly adhered to if you are suffering from Insulin resistance:
First we have to eliminate refined and simple carbohydrates such as white bread, white flour, white rice, starchy vegetables such as potatoes, sugar and other sweeteners. Eat as many of your fruits and vegetables raw and make non-starchy vegetables your main source of carbohydrates. Avoid soft drinks, fruit juices, alcohol and coffee if possible. Avoid processed foods as they contain processed vegetable oils instead use extra-virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil. Do not eat deep fried foods, margarine or ay other foods containing partially hydrogenated oils. Eat good quality sources of protein such as fish, chicken, eggs, organic meat and soya products at every meal and snack. Protein produces a moderate amount of insulin and also maintains blood sugar levels. You should also take a multi vitamin multi mineral with antioxidants every day.An exercise program should be started; walking for 20 to 30 minutes a day and strength training for 30mins a day four times a week enhances your lean body mass and helps burn even more fat.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Herbs and Nutrients for your Liver and kidneys!!!
*Milk Thistle Extract: Helps your liver replace dead or damaged cells.
*Soy Lecithin: Removes fat accumulation and excess cholesterol that can clog up your liver and make you feel sluggish.
*Artichoke Leaf Extract: Enhances healthy bile secretion to help your liver break up cholesterol and other fatty molecules that can wreak havoc on your health
*Turmeric Root Extract:Helps remove dangerous toxins from the liver and stimulates production of bile.
*Burdock Root Powder: Has the ability to neutralize poisons that enter the liver. Also , it soothes irritated kidneys to enhance urine flow.
*N-Acetyl Cysteine: Helps eliminate crystals that cause painful stones.
*Alpha Lipoic Acid:Helps your liver quickly neutralize the damaging effects of over-the-counter and prescription medicines.
*Trimethylglycine:Repairs liver damage caused by alcohol.
*Dandelion Root Powder:This age-old herb helps filter toxins from your liver and kidneys without overstraining or tiring out these organs.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
What is Holistic healing?????
Holistic Medicine has been used by millions of people around the world to:
*Heal chronic diseases (including serious chronic illnesses)
*Treat psychological disorders
*Successfully treat childhood illnesses
*Treat acute illnesses
*Normalize weight
*Prevent disease
*Improve overall health and increase energy level
*Transform one's outlook upon life
Well known Holistic healing therapies are Ayurveda,Yoga,Accupuncture,Accupressure,Magnet-therapy,Reiki,Aromatherapy,Hydrotherapy,Reflexology,Pranic healing,Herbal therapy,Massage therapy,etc.
healing with naturopathy!!!
The five basic principles of Naturapathy includes:
1. Using the healing power of nature
2. Identification and treatment of the cause of disease
3. The concept of “first do no harm”
4. Treatment of the whole person
5. Prevention
Naturopathy emphasizes on drugless system of therapy, making use of physical forces such as air, light, water, heat, massage, etc. Treatments are often diet- and nutrition-oriented with attention given to the patient's personal history and lifestyle. It follows detoxification techniques to cleanse the body of chemicals, pollutants and other toxins to improve overall health.The philosophy and practice of treating disease by naturopathy follows the principles and laws of nature, rather than utilizing chemicals, drugs, surgery, or other "artificial" or "intrusive" methods.
Tips for combating Varicose veins at home
Tips for coping up with Varicose veins:
-Do not wear tight clothes since they restrict flow of blood.
-At least once a day elevate your legs above the heart level for 20-30 minutes.
-If you at work are sitting on a desk all day, make sure you take breaks to walk around. Similarly if your work involves standing for long time,then take break to walk around or sit for some time.
-Do a daily routine of exercise like Walking, swimming,bicycling etc to promote good circulation. It is also very important to maintain a healthy weight.
-Elevate your feet at all moment at home while watching TV or sitting down to read.
-Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time, crossing your legs, lifting heavy weights and putting any unnecessary pressure on your legs.
-Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fish and fresh fruits and vegetables. The diet should also be low in fat and carbohydrates.The diet has to be high in fiber to prevent constipation and keep the bowels clean. Avoid as much as possible sugar, ice cream, fried foods, peanuts, junk foods, cheeses, tobacco, salt, alcohol, animal protein, and processed and refined foods.
Home remedies for combating Varicose veins:-Wearing compression stockings for Varicose Veins is often the first line of treatment at home.
-Fill a tub with cold water and simulate waking in the tub.This will help improve blood circulation in the legs.
-After bathing apply Castor oil over the affected varicose veins and massage gently from top to bottom.
-Eat as many blackberries and cherries as you can. They help to prevent varicose veins, and if you have them they help ease the symptoms. Including ginger, onions, garlic and pineapple in your diet is also beneficial.
-Apply apple cider vinegar to the varicose veins night and morning.
-Apply a compress of Marigold herb over the varicose veins.The flowers of this plant can also be applied externally over the varicose ulcers.
-Alternate hot and cold bath is very helpful and should be taken daily.A hot Epsom salt bath is also very beneficial and should be taken twice in a week.Applying cold pack over the affected part also helps.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
super nutrients for your eyes!!!
* Bilberry:It helps in maintaining a powerful night vision.
* Lycopene, N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Taurine:Another three powerful antioxidants to help destroy free radicals that can damage healthy eye cells thus delaying the onset of age related vision problems.
* Vitamin A:It helps in improving the symptoms of blurred vision, double vision, dry eyes and eye inflammation.
* Zinc:It helps in nourishing your optic nerves,thus helping you maintain a good vision even at older age.
* Other nutrients that help you maintain a healthy eyesight include Vitamin B6, Selenium, Copper, Zeaxanthin, Tocotrienols, Ginkgo Biloba.
Combating Gall Bladder disorders!!!
Home remedies for gall stones:
*Alfalfa cleanses the liver and supplies necessary vitamins and minerals.
*Peppermint is also known to cleanse the gallbladder.
*Turmeric can reduce your risk of developing gall stones.
*Other beneficial herbs include barberry root bark, dandelion, fennel, ginger root, horsetail, parsley and wild yam.
*If you have an attack, drink 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice. This should relieve the pain quickly.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Trace minerals that are vital for our body!!!!
*Calcium—Not only does this mineral help you build healthy teeth and bones, it also helps you maintain normal blood pressure and control your weight.
*Copper—Helps to make hormones, boost your immunity, increase your enzyme function, improve your absorption of iron, and transport oxygen effectively.
*Cobalt—Essential for the creation of red blood cells, this mineral is also necessary for growth and appetite and helps you to stave off anemia.
*Phosphorus—Working in tandem with calcium, this mineral helps to maximize bone strength and help your kidneys excrete waste more effectively.
*Chromium—This mineral helps you lose weight, build muscle, keep your blood sugar healthy, balance your cholesterol, and improve carbohydrate metabolism.
*Magnesium—Excellent for improved heart health, this mineral also helps you maintain normal blood sugar, strengthen your bones and boost your enzyme function.
*Iodine—Essential for a healthy thyroid, this mineral is necessary for dozens of processes in your body, including fat metabolism, energy creation, and healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Are you suffering from BPH???
But by the time you reach the age of 40, your body starts creating more of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme triggers the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). And overabundance of DHT is the main cause of an enlarged prostate.These follwing nutrients help you in your fight against BPH.
Beta Sitosterol,an amazing phytonutrient, has the uncanny ability to help block the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-redutase. Our diets only deliver only miniscule amont of this nutrient,hence it is best to take it in form of supplement.
Selenium,lycopene-two powerful antioxidants are another super nutrients that have ability to prevent BPH.Saw Palmetto is already well known as a prostrate protector.
soy—one of the most popular foods that is loaded with healthy Isoflavones-a rich nutrient that works wonders for your prostate.
Pumpkin Seeds also provide powerful prostate protection.Also Zinc and Copper are two essential trace elements that help to keep your prostrate healthy.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Diabetes and alcohol!!!
Below is a short list of guidelines for diabetics when it comes to drinking alcohol:
*Before considering drinking any alcoholic beverage, it is imperative that you consult with your diabetes health care specialist.
*It is recommended that you limit your consumption of alcohol to two drinks each day if you're male. If you're a woman, than the recommended amount is one drink each day.
*Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. In fact, it is best to combine your drink with a carbohydrate snack.
*It is best to stay clear from alcoholic drinks that are high in sugar content like hard liquor mixed with high fructose mixes, sweet wines,etc.
*If you are experiencing other medical problems as a result of your diabetes then it is best to skip alcohol altogether.
The Role of Diet in High Blood Pressure
What we eat plays a large role in preventing and treating high blood pressure.
Maintain a healthy weight:People who are overweight are two to six times more likely to develop high blood pressure than people who are not.
Reduce your salt intake:Even a modest reduction in salt consumption may prove beneficial in lowering your blood pressure.
Limit alcohol consumption:Having three drinks a day is linked to an increase in blood pressure.
Increase potassium intake:Most fruits and vegetables are high in potassium. A few studies have shown that people with a low potassium intake have a higher risk of high blood pressure.
Drink more milk:It appears that increasing calcium intake may help lower blood pressure, especially for people who rarely consume milk.
Eat plenty of sea food: The omega-three fatty acids found in saltwater fish appear to have a role in lowering blood pressure.
Stick to a DASH diet plan:The DASH plan encourages consumption of more fruits and vegetables than normally recommended; at least eight servings a day are needed for results.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Herbs for Diabetes-part VI
Salacia Oblonga inhibits the breakdown of oligosaccharides such as sucrose, maltose, etc. into monosaccharides and inhibits the absorption of monosaccharides such as glucose,etc. in the body, preventing blood sugar levels from rising.
Salacia Oblonga taken daily is effective in lowering the blood glucose, serum cholesterol, triglycerides and increasing the HDL cholesterol levels of non-insulin dependent diabetes patients.
Diabetes,Diet and Hypertension!!!
Best diet for diabetes would be high fiber,low carbohydrate,low fat and moderate to low protiens.A diet high in soluble fiber would be more than beneficial in controlling both hypertension and diabetes.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Principles of healthy diet!!!!
- are moderate in complex carbohydrates, such as beans, vegetables, and grains.
- are low in fat, especially saturated fat and cholesterol - that includes protein, such as meat, poultry, fish, and tofu.
- are high in fiber, which is in fresh vegetables and fruits as well as whole-grain breads and some cereals.
- are low in sugary foods and sweets.
- includes only moderate amounts of alcohol.
Herbs that Energize-part II
Fennel - Helps regulate your appetite which is helpful when trying to lose weight.
Peppermint - This is a natural stimulant and also strengthens the nerves and heartmuscles, plus it cleanses and tones the entire body.
Capsicum-It is an all purpose stimulant that's often added to various infection fighting remedies as well as energy and blood building remedies. Cayenne improves the bodies circulatory system. It helps the cellstructures of arteries and veins so they'll regain elasticity.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Herbs that Energize-part I
Ginseng has long been used in China for both male and female hormonal problems. It's considered to be a particularly good herb for men because is helps relieve orprevent impotency. Ginseng is a great source of energy though,both mental and physical. It can help your body resist the effects of stress, and it normalizes both blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Gota Kola-This herb is excellent for memory. When it's used in combination with Cayenne, it helps stimulate blood circulation to the brain. When taken regularly, Gota Kola is said to improve learning ability.
Black Walnut - This herb is high in natural potassium, iodineand manganese. It strengthens and builds muscles, nerves, andtooth enamel.
Herbs for Diabetes-part V
Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per daycan lower LDL cholesterol. Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatoryeffect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for peoplewith Type 2 diabetes. In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stopmedication-resistant yeast infections.It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood. In one of the studies , patients given half ateaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and foodspoilage, making it a natural food preservative.It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Herbs for Diabetes-Part IV
Herbs for Diabetes-Part III
In humans with Type 2 diabetes, Banaba extract, taken for 4-8weeks, has been shown to be effective in reducing blood sugar levels (5% - 30% reduction) and maintaining tighter control of blood sugar fluctuations. In one study, subjects who took the supplement over a twenty-two-week period had a 30% drop in bloodsugar levels. They also averaged a weight loss of 3.2 pounds per month without changing their diet. For some people, fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin are related to appetite, hunger andvarious food cravings - particularly craving for carbohydrates suchas bread and sweets. By keeping blood sugar and insulin levels incheck, Banaba helps people to lose weight safely and quickly. At suggested doses, no adverse side effects are expected from Banaba.
Herbs for Diabetes-Part II
Many studies of Gymnema have been carried out. The results of the studies show us the following:Gymnema Sylvestre:- Reduces or removes the sense taste of sweetness for several hours- Reduces the absorption of glucose into the blood stream - Increases insulin production by the pancreas - by repairing tissue- Reduces blood levels of triglycerides and cholesterolThese effects make Gymnema sylvestre a powerful and essential tool in helping you control your blood sugar.Gymnema is a remarkable herb which can be a huge benefit both tothose who truly want to cut down their consumption of sweet foods and those with blood sugar issues.
Herbs for Diabetes-part I
Fenugreek, which has comparable antidiabetic potency to cinnamon,is one of the most valuable spices for the control of glucosemetabolism and thus the prevention and treatment of Type IIdiabetes. Owing to its many properties it helps in the preventionand treatment of diabetes in several ways.Working in a similar way to the common antidiabetic drug glibenclamide, fenugreek lowers cellular insulin resistance and controls blood glucose homeostasis. It has been shown to lowerblood glucose levels of Type II diabetics by as much as 46 percent.As an added bonus, fenugreek seeds are a very rich in a type of dietary fibre that modulates post-prandial blood glucose levels by delaying the absorption of sugar in the intestines. This mucilaginous fiber also reduces the absorption of fat and cholesterol from the intestines thus providing additional protection against heart disease and obesity. Fenugreek has a strong modulating effect on blood lipid levels andcan substantially reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. In diabetics,who usually suffer lipid imbalances, it has demonstrated a remarkable ability to lower cholesterol, triglycerides and LDLlevels while raising HDL levels.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Detoxify your Liver
Below mentioned are Tips for keeping your Liver Healthy:
*Avoid excess consumption of alcohol,Fats,caffeine,excessive spices,preserved,packaged food,excessive salted food.
*Follow this simple detox program atleast once a week:consume only apple juice and lemon juice mixed with olive oil.
*Kitchen Herbs useful for Liver are Curry Leaves,Ginger,Coriander,Garlic,Turmeric,Fennel seeds.
*Other useful herbs are Manjista,Bringaraja,Katuki,Milk thistle,Aloe vera,Bhumiamla,Guduchi.
*Regular intake of Herbal Diuretics like punarnava,Gokshura are very good for cleansing toxins in liver.
*Arogyavardini is an Ayurvedic Preparation that is very Beneficial to Liver.There are also other Licensed Herbal Medicines which serve as a good liver Tonic.
*Metadoxine is useful for those suffering from Fatty Liver,Alcoholic Liver Disease,etc.
*Hepatobiliary medicines containing L-Ornithine aspartate,silymarin,lecithin,Tricholine citrate,etc are very useful for liver.
*Drinking lot of water is beneficial as also Buttermilk seasoned with curry leaves,dry ginger,coriander.
health benefits of wheatgrass
It consists of many beneficial nutrients some of which are
*Protiens and Amino acids including 9 Essential Amino acids
*Minerals like Calcium,Iron,Sodium,Potassium,magnesium,zinc,selenium,etc
*Chlorophyll and Dietary Fiber.
Some of its benefits are
*Helps overcome Nutritional defeciency.
*Natural Antioxidant.
*Helps in blood purification and to balance Haemoglobin production.
*helps resolve constipation,acidity.
*Useful in Diabetes,High Blood Pressure and kidney Malfunction,Arthritis,Insomnia, Menstrual problems,Paralysis, Asthma, Etc.
*helps improve immunity.
*Benefits the body cells,glands and important organs like Liver,Lungs,Spleen,etc.
*very effective for weight loss.
*And the list goes on...................
For more information on wheatgrass therapy, along with disorders specific naturopathy diet, contact me on 9823579102(after 7 pm on all week days, and any time on sundays), or on my email i.e.
Medicinal use of Nux Vomica - a Homeopathic remedy
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that 'like cures like', in a tiny dilution, if any of Homeopathic drug causes symptoms in a healthy person, similar to those caused by any disease in a sick person, than that particular drug is used to treat that disease.
Nux Vomica is the major digestive remedy used by homoeopaths. Nux Vomica contains the alkaloids, Strychnine and Brucine, and a glucoside Loganin, caffeotannic acid and a trace of copper. The pulp of the fruit contains about 5 per cent of loganin together with the alkaloid strychnicine. The properties of Nux Vomica are substantially those of the alkaloid Strychnine.
Nux vomica is often given for extreme over-sensitivity, anger and irritability, Itching in ear through Eustachian tube. It is a Homeopathic remedy for digestive complaints like indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and constipation. It can also be used for colds and headaches,Vertigo, with momentary loss of consciousness, Irritable bladder, Renal colic extending to genitals, Dysmenorrhœa, Irregular Menses, etc.
Nux vomica should not be used by pregnant women, and is also not recommended for children in higher doses, due to its toxicity. In higher doses, nux vomica has predominantly neurological effects, and may cause painful seizures, spasms, difficulty breathing, dizziness and confusion; hence it should only be administered under the guidance of a qualified Homeopath.
Introduction to Ayurveda
Ayurveda has Holistic approach to Disease which occurs when the original form encounters change at psychological or physiological level. To regulate health in the living body,Ayurveda concised the panchabhootas-the five basic elements of nature,into tridoshas,namely vata,pitta and kapha.In diseased condition,the doshas manifest their particular symptoms denoting loss of natural rhythm or malfunction.The purpose of treatment of the disease is to bring the tridoshas in equilibrium ie back to their natural rhythm.This is acheived through Ayurvedic medicines which are made from wide range of various plant parts that are available in nature around us.These medicines are manufactured by extensive processes as prescribed by the ancient texts.Various clinical studies have now confirmed the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine and hence Ayurveda can no longer be called as pseudo-science.
Medicinal use of clove
MEDICINAL USES:Clove is used in treatment of Nausea,Headache,Earache,Diarrhea,Toothache,Digestive disorders,Cholera,Cough,Bronchitis,Asthma,Muscular Cramps,Stye,Scabies,malaria,improving Blood circulation,blood purification,insect bites and stings,skin diseases like athlete’s foot, fungal infections,prickly heat,wound, cuts,bruises,boosting Immune System,etc.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Herbal remedies for arthritis
Shilajit and its health benefits!!!!
Helps accelerate processes of protein and nucleic acid metabolism and stimulates energy providing reactions.
Counteracts Diabetes and regulates the blood sugar level.
Purifies blood, improves functioning of pancreas and strengthens digestion.
Reduces fat, dissolves tumours, and counteracts thirst.
Promotes the movement of minerals, especially calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium into muscle tissue and bone.
Stimulates the immune system and improves restoration (recovery) after exercise.
Increases levels of growth hormone in diabetic patients and is a potent anti-ulcer agent.